Joseph Cardijn, founder of the YCW proclaimed that “your life is the fifth Gospel”. The YCW invites all young workers, of all faith backgrounds and of no belief, to live out their values and dignity as human beings through their daily actions. In doing so, young workers will not only discover a deeper meaning and calling in their life but will also collaborate with their brothers and sisters in building a more just society. In doing so, and by reflecting on their actions, the YCW believes that young workers will come to discover the liberating message of Jesus Christ and God’s Kingdom.
The Fifth Gospel was prepared by the YCW as a submission to the Catholic Church’s Plenary Council which held its second meeting in Sydney from 4 – 8 July. It also comes at a time when religious belief in Australia is on a rapid decline according to the latest census data. The YCW’s Fifth Gospel offers hope for a new way forward as Cardijn was called to do at the turn of the century when so many young workers were being lost to the industrial revolution in his time.